The importance of Mental Health in School


Mental health is something to be very aware of as an educator as having a classroom of 20-30 students can be a lot to manage and make sure that everyone is doing okay, so it is important to be aware of the signs that someone may be going through if they are struggling with their mental health. As mentioned in some of the articles it should always be the first step if you see someone struggling is to take action and do something about it as an educator, whether that means talking to the principal or talking to a parent about maybe some of the signs that have been brought to your attention in the classroom. Sometimes researching different mental health disorders can help you as an educator become more knowledgeable so that you can better adjust and fit the needs of the students. This will also make them feel more comfortable and that they matter. There are many mental health disorders that can make a student feel less than but this should be brought to their attention that it will only make them stronger as something. Maybe as an educator you help them find the tools they need to overcome it and make a difference. 


Mental health diagnosis. (n.d.). National Alliance On Mental Illness


Anderson, M. (2020). Here’s How Schools Can Support Students’ Mental Health.


We Are Teachers Staff. (2017). What To Do When A Student Self-Harms.

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