How Social Media and Technology have massive impacts on students in today’s society

In the documentary, Plugged in: The true toxicity of social media we can see how there is a lot of talk about how phones and social media have become more addictive to young adults as well as teenagers and adults. So many of these people have mentioned in the documentary how it impacts such a big part of their life as many aspects take place when using the phone and going on social media. There are people who judge others and then it becomes a negative place where people can enter really dark places in their mind and unfortunately it becomes too late to help them. This is why there needs to be a limit on social media and how much one should be using their phone in a day. It becomes very addictive and you may pick up your phone out of habit because it is just something that everyone has become used to. This is not only horrible for our minds but affects the way we perform in all aspects of life. When it comes to school, especially for elementary school students that are old enough for phones, this can become a problem as students are still young and may not know their rights and wrongs when it comes to phone responsibilities. Too much screen time can also lead to other problems with children’s concentrations as we have read back in previous blogs that too much screen time can lead to ADHD and other mental delays that children may face in school. As students Get older it may become more of a problem when it comes to social media this is the main way that students get bullied online as it continues into school many teenagers like to compare themselves to things that they see on social media that may be fake or just unrealistic and it sets a standard that for some people may feel like it is impossible to achieve when it is totally okay to just be yourself. there is so much influence out in the world that is at the fingertips of every individual with a phone or a computer so it is important to let these people know that they can be who they want to be and to not let anything go to their head as it can lead to suicide and other negative factors that occur when technology and social media take over


Personally when it comes Technology for Elementary School students no phone should be allowed out obviously depending on the grade 5th and 6th graders might have phones  as they might walk to school and walk home. the use of Technology of course will be incorporated into lessons for the students but I think bringing up to the students to seriousness of how technology and social media can affect someone is important to do I do think that it is hurting a lot of teenagers homemade being in middle and high school and it can really damage a person so it’s really important to make sure that everyone is aware of all the possibilities when it comes to this topic. 


For the article The Scientific Debate Over Teens, Screens, and Mental Health, there is definitely important information in this talk that we can listen to on this website about how important it is for teenagers to be aware of how time-consuming phones are and what it can do to someone’s Mental Health over long periods of time. a lot of people always say that they’re not on their phone that much and they’re not addicted to it but whether they realize it or not they have become addicted to their phone because so many people don’t realize that they literally can’t function without it. 

In the article Tips For Healthy Social Media Use: For Parents and Teens There are a bunch of tips listed for parents on what to provide for their kids on how to use social media appropriately. some of these tips include that parents understand the apps that you are letting your kids use when you give them their phone make sure that you are having conversations with your child and keeping up to date and making sure that they are okay, make sure that if your child needs to talk to you about something that you are there and ready and open to listen if you yourself as a parent have social media make sure you are modeling positive behavior so they can follow, lastly make sure that they don’t overstep and there are boundaries and they have limits and can only use social media for a certain amount of time and when they get to a certain age.



Willett, R. (Director). (2019). Plugged-In: The Toxicity of Social Media Revealed. [YouTube Video]. Brick in the Wall Media.

Kamenetz, A. (2019, August 27). NPR’s The Scientific Debate over Teens, Screens, and Mental Health. National Public Radio., January 20) Tips For Healthy Social Media Use: For Parents and Teens. University Health of Utah.


1 Comment on How Social Media and Technology have massive impacts on students in today’s society

  1. ryanpolehinke
    April 20, 2024 at 3:58 am (4 weeks ago)

    Hi Jillian, I really enjoyed reading your blog post for this week! I agree with many aspects of your post. For starters, it is important to make known the issues of technology, and making sure that everyone is aware of the possible health effects it may have on our brains, especially in the adolescent minds. Another important piece of your blog is the discussion of technology in the classroom, as well as the students usage. In our society, it is important to recognize the positive use that it can have on students, as well as teachers. Teachers are now able to use interactive videos and games to keep kids intrigued in the lessons. However, I also think it is important to limit the time usage for younger students, as I think that too much screen time may hurt there developing brains.


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